星座-腾讯网腾讯网从2003年创立至今,已经成为集新闻信息,区域垂直生活服务、社会化媒体资讯和产品为一体的互联网媒体平台。腾讯网下设新闻、科技、财经、娱乐、体育、汽车、时尚等多个频道,充分满足用户对不同类型资讯的需求。同时专注不同领域内容,打造精品栏目,并顺应技术发展趋势,推出网络直播等创新形式,改变了用户获取资讯的方式和习惯。01400星座# NBA# QQ# Tencent
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TikTokTikTok is the world's leading destination for short-form mobile videos. Our mission is to capture and present the world's creativity, knowledge, and moments that matter in everyday life. TikTok empowers everyone to be a creator directly from their smartphones, and is committed to building a community by encouraging users to share their passion and creative expression through their videos.01360电视剧# About TikTok# mobile video# TikTok