A Soft MurmurMix ambient sounds together to wash away distraction and help you focus or relax0750白噪音# 催眠# 白噪音
潮汐潮汐是一款大自然声音主题的身心健康应用,在快速繁复的日常生活中,帮你保持专注、减压放松、睡得更好。通过我们提供的自然声音场景,配合「专注」与「睡眠」两大功能模块,从快节奏的当下抽离,进入另一个平和安静的时空——减少焦虑与压力、保持专注不分心、获得更好的睡眠。01500白噪音# 专注# 冥想# 心流
DefonicAmbient sounds for use as background noise at home or in the office. Create your own unique sound environment with our noise generator.01350白噪音# ambient sounds# background noise# nature sounds
PurrliNot just a cat purr, but a cat purring next to you. Purrli recreates the sound and the presence of a cat, online. It's soothing, it's free, and it's purrfect!01090白噪音# ambient noise# ambient sounds# background noise
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VirtoceanRelaxing sounds of the ocean waves crashing on the beach. Sounds of the sea for relaxing or studying.01820白噪音# noise generator# ocean noise# sea sounds